Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Be (YOU) tiful! A Challenge for You & Me!

                               So many times we get caught up in what we "should" look like.. 

We're all made different, that's the point right?! To be different.. we don't all want to be the same, that would get boring really quick. Why are we always wanting to be something else or look like someone else?! I often say, "If I could just make this part of me better, I'd be happy" but that's not usually the case. Once I "fix" that part there's something else that needs to change in order to make me "Happy".. 

I'm not sure about you but I am my own worst critic. I'm always picking myself apart and beating myself up about things, especially my body! I can say with confidence that I am getting more and more comfortable in my skin.. I feel confident saying that because when I see a girl at the gym with a rockin' body, I say to myself "wow, look at those legs" or "wow, look at her arms" before I'd say "ugh, why can't I just look like her?!" or I'd sit and beat myself up about how much better she is then me.

Don't get me wrong, there are times when I sit in front of the mirror sucking in my stomach and think if I could just lose this gut like NOW I'd be so happy or times when I pick at my face (I have adult acne which TOTALLY sucks!!) & wonder why I never stop breaking out, or at my thighs.. why can't they just not touch in the middle?! The truth is.. Until you love your body for the way it is, you will never be truly happy with yourself (I'm still coming to terms with this saying).

I go to the gym for ME, I go for runs for ME.. No one else! I want to be in my best physical shape & there are many reasons for that. I want to be able to run around & play sports with my kids, I want to inspire others to be healthy & active, I want to be 100% HAPPY in my Skin & know that I am the best that I can be! I still have a ways to go, but I'll get there.. I know I will!

This is my challenge, to you and me.. Everyday for the rest of the Month when you look in the mirror, pick something out that you love about yourself! Everyday it has to be something different! It doesn't have to be a physical feature, it can be anything you want but it has to be something you love about YOU! Ready.. Set.. GO! XoXo 

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