Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Only 4 Months Left... YIKES!!

I can't believe it, our life as we know it is about to change drastically! I am scared shitless to say the least.. Excited, but scared! Our Army Life (I say "Our" because everyone's experience in the Military is different) has lasted 8ish years & for the most part it has treated us pretty good! I will hold every memory very close to my heart.. even the ones that have threatened to break it. 

I have mixed feelings about moving on, I can't imagine myself not being an Army Wife.. It's all I know really. I've been an Army Wife since I was 20, I grew up with the title and it's crazy to think I won't be one anymore. The last 8 years has changed me & molded me into the person I am today. It has made me stronger & wiser. If you would've asked me 10 years ago if I'd be able to handle multiple deployments, move all over the country with 3 kids & take on all the curve balls that life throws at me along the way... I would've said Hell NO! There's a saying "It always seems impossible until it's done!" And that's exactly how I would describe my life and the many things that I have dealt with as an Army Wife!

I've done SO many things in the last 8 years that I never thought I'd do in my life! lol 

- Put up Mini-Blinds.. By Myself! (that's hard! lol)
- Moved My Family During Each Deployment (3 times without my Husband).
- Cleared Multiple Houses.
- Changed out the cord on the back of my dryer.. Twice. (Thanks Dad for helping me over the phone!)
- Ran all over Post to do JPPSO Paperwork & Finance Paperwork.
- Took care of the Kids by myself for a year (sometimes longer) at a time (Shout out to all the single parents! My hat goes off to you!!).

There's more, I know there is but this is what I could think of off the top of my head.. Oh yeah one more thing.. If you hear a baby crying in a store, instead of judging the parent & saying "ugh, I wish they would shut their kid up" or "if that was my child I would beat him" (the second thing has been said about my child by a stranger in front of me.. shit didn't go well!) put yourself in their shoes for just ONE second! Maybe they have no one to help them with their kids and they just need to get a few things from the store.. People need things even if their kid is screaming! And it's not like they left the house thinking "Ahh, I have a great idea! I'm gonna take the kids to the store and have them scream the whole time I'm trying to shop!" 

There have been many times that we've talked about getting out and moving home.. All of those times we've reenlisted and stayed in the Army. This time is very different from the last couple times. The first reenlistment it was that bonus that got us.. always remember, THE MONEY ISNT WORTH IT! LoL The second reenlistment Fort Carson was FINALLY open so we jumped on that like the bandwagon was going to leave us if we didn't! Don't get me wrong, I am SO happy we jumped on the bandwagon.. I LOVE COLORADO!! The sign coming into Fort Carson says "Best HomeTown in the Army" & that is not a lie folks! ;) This time, I believe we're finally ready to step away.. We are ready for the next chapter in our lives!

I believe we didn't get out any of those times because we weren't ready, we still had growing up to do and lesson's to learn. I always knew that my husband was my best friend, but being away from home and only having each other made our bond even stronger.. & I love him to death! Over the years I've learned many things, seen many places (that I wouldn't have seen if it wasn't for the Army), & met so many great people! I've met some of my best friends being an Army Wife & the bond that we have will never and could never be broken!

Getting out of the Army is a lot like going into the Army.. You don't really know what to expect, you don't know how things are going to be or how they're going to turn out.. You just know that God has a plan. With that being said... Bring on the Next Chapter, Here We Come Wisconsin! :)

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