Thursday, August 1, 2013

Who Are You Inspiring?

Who are you inspiring? 

The above picture was drawn for me by my 9 year old niece. I had taken some time off from the gym (like a year, I don't recommend it) & was just starting to get back into it when I walked passed the table & saw this masterpiece! I asked her "Who is that?!" she looked at me with an are you serious?! look on her face and said "It's YOU!"..  In that moment my heart smiled & every time I look at this picture I get motivated! I bet when she was drawing this, she didn't think about the motivating impact it would have on me (Thanks Deezy! :))! It also dawned on me that she's watching me & paying attention to what I'm doing...

People pay attention (kids & adults).. they may not tell you, but they're watching you! Inspire them, Motivate them, & Encourage them.. especially the young ones! This goes for anything in life not just fitness.. share your passions with your kids, they'll appreciate it! We have a 13 year old son and when I hear the weights banging downstairs I just stand at the top of the steps and smile because I know my Husband & I inspired him to pick the weights up and lift them. Or when he says "I'm gonna run the Franklin Mile" & heads out to the front yard to stretch.. I can't even put into words how much I love that!

If someone asks for your advice or how you got to where you are, give them a genuine answer.. THEY ARE INSPIRED BY YOU! Lift them up, encourage and support them!  

My whole point of this Blog Post is that while we're busy on our journey, take a minute look around find your inspiration & don't forget someone's watching you and is being inspired! 

The greatest inspiration, comes from inspiring others!

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